New Pacific Metals Corp.

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April 13, 2021 at 10:00 AM (EDT)|Virtual Event - Online Only

Mark Cruise


Dr. Mark Cruise is an exploration and mining professional with in excess of 25-years global experience having discovered, developed or operated mines in Europe, South America, Canada and Africa. Most recently Mark founded Trevali Mining where he grew the Company from an initial discovery to a global top-ten zinc producer. Mark has held a variety of professional and executive positions with Anglo American and various TSX / TSX-V listed exploration and development companies. Mark holds a Bachelor of Geology and a Doctorate of Geology from the University of Dublin, Trinity College: He is a professional member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland and the European Federation of Geologists.
Mark provides oversight to the Canadian leadership team in addition to the Bolivian development and exploration teams as the Company continues to de-risk and advance the Silver Sand Project and grow its project pipeline.


For a safe harbor statement, please see the “Cautionary Note” and "Cautionary Note and Qualified Persons" in the New Pacific Metals corporate presentation. Also please see the disclaimer on the New Pacific Metals website at


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